Mychal Davis


Hello and welcome to my Communication & Leadership Capstone project. The tabs above will be your guide through this portfolio and will display learning and reflections gathered through the process. I hope my passion and time are well represented in these pages. 

My name is Mychal Davis, and I am a(n):
                      • devoted wife
                      • adoring pet owner
                      • curious learner
                      • thoughtful communicator
                      • avid hiker
                      • occasional camper
                      • attentive listener
                      • slow knitter
                      • addicted coffee drinker
                      • voracious reader 
                      • dedicated worker

After the downsizing of my former employer, I accepted a severance package and took off on an adventure. My partner and I packed up and hiked the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) from the Canadian to Mexican borders. It was a great time to reflect on my personal and professional goals, and that reflection brought me to Gonzaga. After all of the blisters healed, I enrolled in the Master's in Communication & Leadership program where my abilities and understandings have been challenged and stretched. This project is the culmination of my time and work along with the advice and mentoring of many people. To my partner, my dog, my instructors, and everyone that has supported me on this journey ... thank you!

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